We have a list of volunteer members that will do their best to respond quickly to help capture a swarm.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find a member in your area.
If you need help determining if it is a honey bee, please visit the following links:
University of Kentucky Dept. of Entomology - Bees of Kentucky
Insect Identification - Kentucky
Swarming Season is around April and May! (Sometimes earlier, sometimes later)
As spring begins to arrive, a vigorous, healthy colony of honey bees - whether from a hive, a tree or your home -may likely swarm as nature's way of continuing their genetic line. Swarms are usually docile and has incredible energy to produce comb, brood and honey.
Swarms can be spotted in unlikely locales from backyards to industrial areas.
Honeybees have had to battle a lot of environmental factors and pests, more so over the last decade. Fortunately, a lot of good folks are interested in doing what they can to help save the honeybee and other pollinators.
NKYBA is committed to assisting in preserving and encouraging the honeybee population. We respectfully request that you please do not spray honeybees with water or a pesticide. Contact us if you have a swarm and would like one of our beekeepers to remove it and add it to their apiary.
Never underestimate the value of the honeybee for pollination, honey, wax and other hive commodities that are used in everyday products. Even if you don't keep honeybees, you can do a lot to help them survive.
John Telek (Ft. Thomas, Ky) 859-640-7453 - telekj@hotmail.com
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